
This is my adventure. Fixing, salvaging, building. Trying to make my house an homage to my favorite things about where I'm from.



When I moved to Washington, it never occurred to me that I wouldn't be able to eat summer tomatoes until September.  After two season of duds, my situation became dire.  I needed juicy, sweet, delicious tomatoes. Not to mention okra, and peppers.  I looked on Pinterest and decided, I MUST build a greenhouse.  That is where our story begins.

Pinterest is a dangerous place full of bright corners with amazingly overzealous ideas.  I love these ideas, and I assume if other people did it, so can I.  There were several gorgeous pictures of greenhouses with old windows.  I read a few blogs, that all said, "I spent two years collecting old windows to use in my greenhouse project."  I decided I'd better get started looking for windows if I wanted to eat a tomato in July- in this decade.

I began hunting on Craigslist for windows- there were some, nothing that was cool or old.  Then one day, there was a post for " FREE old wood windows" with no picture.  I contacted them and they were 20 minutes from my house out in the country.  There were no pictures- but I assumed they would be awesome- he must have just been old or lazy?!   He also mentioned via text that if I did want them, I'd need to bring a trailer.  (TRAILER?? Did I just hit the jackpot!??!)  I brought my Mom along, incase they were any axe murderers, and off we went.  We showed up to a beautiful manicured property, and they owners very sweetly brought us to the back of the property to an enormous barn.  I mean enormous- like 50 yards long, and 2 stories high.  We climbed the old staircase and walked the length of the barn.  On the far side was a GIGANTIC pile old windows!  I was inside shrieking to myself!! "Yes! yes! we will take them!"  Mom and I tried to lift the smallest one, and we could barely pick it up off the ground- let alone carry it across a barn, down stairs, and into a trailer (that we didn't have).

After gathering ourselves, we told the owners that we'd love the windows- but that we didn't have any way to transport them.  Remember- they were FREE.  There were 8 gigantic windows- the largest being 108" x 63"!!!!!  It wasn't going to take me two years to collect, I was done!  The owners said they had a trailer, and for $50 they would load them all up and bring them to my house?!  Who was this person?  Free Giant windows- $50 to deliver!?  We high fived- and ran back home to clear a space for our new haul.  About 45 minutes later the men showed up with a giant trailer, and all 8 window, screens, and decorative muttons, were well secured and delivered.  They were giant.  We piled them up on the gravel driveway.  They sat there for about 7 months.

I had originally envisioned a 6'x8' tomato house, where I could walk in, tend to my babies, and maybe bring a chair in to enjoy a warm afternoon.  Once the windows came into the picture- that dream was gone. Now that I had procured these amazing, solid wood beauties, clearly I needed to incorporate ALL of them into my design.  Had I designed a building before? No.  Did I know what went into building a structure?  No.  Did I take into account any of the topographical aspects of the yard? No.  So naturally- I got to drawing my dream concept of the greenhouse with our new windows- and it just so happened that the dream clocked in at 10' wide and 20' long! 


Greenhouse III

Greenhouse III